Friday, January 30, 2009

Under The Weather...Literally!

So, last night a nice little "storm" blew in over SouthEast Alaska. There was a "wind advisory" in effect and they were calling for gusts up to 45mph. Well...let me tell ya...those were NOT 45mph gusts that *WE* were way, no how!! If the tide had been in we would have had waves lapping at our back door!! Now...I can handle me some storms y'all...been here almost 20 years now. But last night was SOMETHIN'. I can't recall a time when I felt the house shake that much! It was quite frightening at times and I knew the house would be missing a few "accessories" come morning. I was right! The screen door to Jake's slider was laying on the deck this a.m., which is a miracle in itself with the wind I was hearing. We also lost the "stove pipe cover" that goes over the pipe to the furnace...Chris will have to get that put back on. Funny thing, windchimes were still there today!! I only paid like $24 for those things and they hung out there like troopers!! I was so tickled...I LOVE my windchimes y'all!! Anyway, I wish many of you reading this could actually experience one of these storms that we get so frequently here. They are quite impressive. What's even more impressive is how our town holds up in the midst of it all. Some didn't fair so well, however, and one of our elementary schools was closed today due to a power outage. Our power went out, too, but was back on by the time we got up...THANK YOU JESUS!! I *hate* it when the power goes out!! We also almost lost one our ferry boats. The "Letuya", which is the ferry that runs between here and Metlakatla, actually broke free last night and ended up "grounded" about a mile away. Good thing it didn't go out to sea! Metlakatla is right on open water!! Anyway, that just gives you an idea of the magnitude of the wind here. Those that haved moved away probablly don't miss it!! :)

Along the same "note"...*I* am feeling "under the weather" today as well but I'm hoping it's going to pass quickly. There's been a stomach "bug" going around and the last thing I want is to be laid up all weekend. No fun!! So, I am "sucking it up" and just taking it easy at work today. Trying not to move around too much. :)

No big plans here for the weekend. Tony will probably watch the SuperBowl and Jake has a friend coming to stay the night tomorrow (if I'm not sick). I'm going to a "candle party". No spending, tho, since we have to pay our taxes!! Nothing nips spending in the bud like owing the IRS.

Hope you are all well. I'm thinking of you! Take care~ Nan XOX

P.S. If you still haven't started enjoying the blog by "Lysa TerKeurst" which I've posted over to the left side...Today's is a GOOD ONE! I highly recommend reading her daily blog as well as her P31 Devotionals on the P31 website. There's a link to it on Lysa's blog. Happy Reading! :)

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