Wednesday, February 25, 2009

You Know You Are Tired When... wear your slippers into the shower. UGH!!!!! Yep...that's me. Letting my mind wander to the point of not even realizing I still had my slippers on this morning as I stepped into the shower. Now...I don't even have a good excuse for being so tired which makes it even funnier that this happened. :) And it wasn't like I just stepped in and immediately realized what I'd done...OH NO!! Cuz that would be TOO easy, right?? Nope...they were soaking wet by the time I figured it out. (In case you are wondering...I wear Acorn slippers in case any of you are aware of what those are. They are heavy and thick...kind of like wearing sheep on my feet.) Sigh. Another example of not living in the moment and letting my mind wander. I am blaming it on the fact that we still don't have hot water and we are having to shower downstairs in the B&B. My mind was focused on wondering what the electrician was going to say when he finally made it out to check things out today. Hence, not remembering what I was doing.

Speaking of not having hot water...Sigh. We are on day three and I'm getting irritable. I'm already tired of boiling water to do dishes. I am TRYING REALLY HARD to just be grateful that we have water at all and can flush the toilet and all that business. So, I will continue to do that...focus on being grateful for the little things. Grateful that the B&B downstairs is empty and we can walk down to shower. Grateful that we have running water at all. Grateful that even tho we've had a long stretch of sunshine we will NOT be ordering water like a lot of people probably are about now. Gratefullness...a virtue I'm quickly learning. Patience on the other hand...that's another story. This one I will go to my grave working on.

Anyway, no other news to report at this time. It's Wednesday. It's SUNNY!! It's still cold as all get out. The days are getting longer, however, which brings much joy to my heart. I woke early yesterday, around 6:15am, and the sun was already coming up. Whew! Another Ketchikan winter almost behind me. Another thing to be grateful for. :)

Love and Hugs~ Nan

1 comment:

Karen said...

Hey Nan, the days of being grateful for water are still fond memories for me! Sounds like you are being put to the test, and the Lord will get you through it.

By the way, the pictures of the snow on the right remind me of the house we had, I thought they were of our house at first! I hope your slippers dry out soon!