Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The Whining Has Begun

Rain, Rain, GO AWAY!!! I mean, enough already! I am all for the cooler temps etc. but does it really have to rain so much all of a sudden? Guess this is pay-back for all the sunshine this summer. It was absolutely howling outside night before last but then it cleared up yesterday (just in time for soccer practice, Thank God!) but then it went right back to being nasty today. Hmpf! The commute to work was just awful! I didn't even want to stop and get the mail. Yuck!! Seriously!!! I told you I was whiney!! Oh!! And it doesn't help to hear that it's like 80 in Seattle and 90 in Portland. Not fair!!

Anyway, the rain here is nothing new. But what to talk about then? Let's see...last night was our last soccer practice. With cooler temps and lots of rain lately we are not sad about it in the least. We have two more regular on Friday and one Saturday. Then the tournament begins we believe next week. I think I mentioned that it's a double elimination so we have at least two games to play in the tourney. I hope we win a few more but that would drag out the season so there's some mixed feelings there. We'll see what happens. :)

Tonight I start a two evening class to learn about all things "mortgage". It's put on by the Alaska Housing Financial Corp (or something to that effect) and it goes from 6pm to 10pm. I am looking at 2 very long days (ugh!) It will be worth it, tho, and in the long run when it does come time to buy a house (if we go thru AHFC) it will be a requirement to take it. May as well just get it done now, right? I am sure I am going to learn a lot and I am excited. I'm also very excited at the idea of owning our own home sooner rather than later. I'm thinking next year...we'll see. The rates are so low right now...maybe it will happen sooner than we think. You never know. Perm fund checks come out next month so we will have a little "nest egg" saved in the event we need closing costs. We will be finding out tonight (or more than likely in tomorrow's paper) how much the PFD is. I'm not expecting it to be very high considering how badly the market's been doing but we'll see. Anything is better than nothing. :)

Today is picture day at school. Jake wanted to wear his cub scout shirt but I wasn't sure if that was/is allowed so I made him wear something else. I didn't have time to iron it anyway so it didn't work out. How lame am I? My boy is so proud to be a Cub Scout and I can't get up early enough to iron a shirt for crying out loud! I promised him, however, that we would take some pictures on our own and post them for everyone. Which reminds me...have you ordered some popcorn yet? You can do it online. I'll have to get that website on here since I can't seem to remember it off the top of my head. I'll get it up and running....promise!!! Some of you already let me know that you'd like to order and I promise we WILL be coming by...probably this weekend so dust off your checkbooks!! :)

Well...that's about it for now. I don't think this was a whole lot of "new" info but thought I'd touch base anyway. I know my family likes to keep close tabs on us so there ya go mom and dad!! (Oh...and Rick!!) Love you guys!!!!!!!

Happy Wednesday! Love, Nanette XOX

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