Tony has been busy, too. He is very much looking forward to this weekend. All the major chores have been done and we are ready for company! We bought a new BBQ grill yesterday so we are set. :)
Jake's last day at daycare for the summer is today. Lori, our daycare provider, is going on vacation so he will be home with us until school starts on Aug. 28th. I took some pictures of him at Judo the other night. Tuesday was his last session for a while since Soccer will be starting up here shortly.
Is that a girl he's pinning down? Yikes! :)
Jake and his buddy, Nolan Meyer!
The last week has also brought gorgeous sunshine and warm temperatures! You would think this would make me very happy, and it has to a certain extent, but all good things must come to an end and with my mother coming....well, you see where I'm going with this! We will probably be fishing in the rain (sorry mom!) I am really praying that the forecast is wrong or that if it does start raining again that it won't last. I really hope Dan, mom's boyfriend, gets to see how beautiful it is here when it's sunshining! They are here until the 18th so more than likely we'll get at least a few days of nice weather (I hope!)
One last item of note...John and Denise Turley went back to POW last weekend. I got a chance to go out on their sailboat for a short cruise up the channel before John took off. It was just us girls...Denise has her captain's license. We didn't actually sail b/c John wasn't with us and I don't know the first thing about sailing but it was still fun to take a little cruise and be out on the water. It took about an hour and a half to get to our house and anchor up out front. I wish I had video of me getting into the little dingy. It was quite scary and something I've never done before. Denise had to row me to shore and it was a very windy day so the water wasn't very nice. But we made it and John came home shortly thereafter and took the boat to POW. Anyway, it was nice to have that last little bit of time chatting with Denise and getting to know her better. I'm hoping to go visit them someday on POW. Jake would LOVE it! John and Denise are the parents of Jackie and Lily that I posted about earlier. Jake really got attached to Jackie and misses her a great deal.'s a shot of the sailboat!
OK...never mind. Blogger isn't cooperating this morning! Shots of the boat later. OK...I'd better go get ready for work anyway. TGIF!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I'll post some pics of me and mom this coming week. Have a great weekend everybody!!!
Love and Hugs~ Nan
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