Tuesday night Jake had another soccer game in the championships. They played the undefeated team. It went into overtime and it was still 0-0 after that (getting dark, too!!) They ended up winning in a "shootout" (penalty kicks for you soccer buffs out there!) So, this means we play again tomorrow and if they win again then they are the champs. The weather is taking a turn tonight, however, and it's supposed to blow 45 tomorrow so we'll see what happens. If they play and lose tomorrow...we play again on Sunday and the winner of that game wins it all. I am SO hoping they win tomorrow!!!
Work has been busy this week...but nothing exciting. Jake started indoor tennis on Thursday and he seemed to enjoy it. Tony and I worked out while he did that...we are trying to get in better shape! I just walked the track but I did a couple of miles so that was good. We will make a habit of going on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons while Jake takes his lessons. We figured it's a good place to start. We both have memberships at the Rec. Center so we'd better make the most of it! :)
We are SO glad it's Friday!! Other than soccer, we don't have much planned for the weekend. It's just nice to be HOME! Considering the weather, we will be spending as much time inside as we can. It has gotten really cold here and there is fresh snow on Deer Mountain. Yikes! Winter is just around the corner!
Oh! An update. My SIL, Katie, is getting close to her due date. My new niece, Abigail, will be here soon. Katie had an appt recently and so far there's no "activity". I will be on pins and needles until this baby is born!! Also, my sister, Becky, had her first OB appt. Her due date is May 11, 2009. I am excited for them! A new baby is always a blessing! I think the kids are excited...all 6 of them! I told her 7 is God's perfect number (hint, hint)...she just laughed at me!!
Oh yes...my trip to Seattle is rapidly approaching. My friends and I will hopefully be taking off for Seattle on Thursday night. If not, we will be back at the airport first thing on Friday trying to get off the rock. It will all depends on the flight load. We are flying as "companions" with Renee so we all three have to go together or not at all. We are VERY excited and have all kinds of plans. We are hoping to see "The Secret Life of Bees", which is coming out the weekend we are there. I just finished reading this book and LOVED it. It is going to be an amazing movie! I highly recommend the book and I'll let you know how the movie is. I am currently reading "Last Lecture" and I'm trying to finish "The Shack". I am trying to do more reading since it's something I love so much. I have no idea why I feel so guilty when I get engrossed in a book. I don't feel that way when I sit down to watch TV. Perhaps, as a friend suggested, it's because a book takes my full attention. And when it's a good one...I can't put it down. Everything and everyone suffers around me when I read. LOL!!!
OK..I'd better wrap this up. Have a great weekend! Peace~Out! Nanette XOX
Your mother in law is going to have so much fun!!!
This is confusing, the comments are from Aunt Lori, not Emma
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