Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Where do I begin today? It is December 2nd already and we are on the cusp of going into yet another busy, hectic, crazy holiday season. Heck...we are probably already there and I am just in denial! LOL! I am on the verge of feeling extremely overwhelmed. No matter how much I try to do in advance, I can not help but focus on what still lies ahead to get everything done in time. Throw in a birthday party for a soon to be 10 year old and you have the recipe for nothing short of a slight nervous breakdown. Oh!! And not to mention dieting on top of it all and starting a new exercise regime. We all know how HARD it is to make time for exercise in this day and age of working full time and running a household. As my grandma likes to say..."MERCY ME!!!" :) Soooo...taking a deep breath here as I try to take one HOUR at a time. Perhaps making a list is in order! Maybe crossing duties/tasks off of a list will help with the feelings of anxiety that start to creep into my heart. I know what some of you are thinking (Helen, Sabrina)..."How can she be overwhelmed? She only has ONE (1) child at home?!?!" LOL!! Well...all I can say is I may only have 1 child to take care of but it's all the little things that creep in that seem to overtake me at times. Not to mention, I have a full-time job that keeps me away from home for at least 9 hours a day!! You throw in going to the gym and it's even longer. Tonight I start a Pilates class that is 3 nights a week. My goal is to make it for at least 2 of those nights. Seems reasonable to ME! Oh..and did I mention I am singing in the Singing Christmas Tree this year? That's always a huge time committment. Then we've got the 4th grader (a BOY, mind you!!) who still (yes..still!!) needs to be constantly micro-managed when it comes to what he needs to be getting done, which is always homework, homework, homework!! It is just never ending! After all that is said and done...you throw in laundry, trips out of town, etc...etc...and before you know it...you are CHASING YOUR TAIL!!!! At least I FEEL like I'm chasing my tail. *SIGH* Now...all that being said...when I have moments like this I turn to my new favorite blog...which will take you to a daily devotion if you are so inclined. If you have not checked out Lysa's blog...YOU MUST. Thank you so much to my friend, Debra, for introducing me to her! I read her stuff daily and she is MY KIND OF WOMAN!!! She is so down to earth and shares the same struggles as the rest of us...you know...REAL WOMEN! LOL!! Anyway, today's devotion is a good one if you'd like to check it out.

Proverbs 31 Ministries: Daily Devotions

Now...enough "reflecting". Seems like I've been doing that a lot lately. Let's see....we are on day #2 of clear, blue skies and sunshine! Yea, Baby!!!!!!! I am LOVIN' it...actually everyone here is! LOL!! However, with that comes COLD, COLD, COLD! I'm sure snow is around the corner soon. Jake is hoping for the white stuff on his birthday (this is his wish every year!). Speaking of which, my baby is turning 10! *Sniff* How is that possible???? OMGosh!!!! We are planning a pizza party at Godfather's per his request. This makes it easy and I don't have to clean up...yay! I'm so glad it's on a Saturday this year.

So, this week I am trying to focus on getting packages in the mail for Christmas, planning a birthday party, making my Christmas card list, learning the music for the Singing Tree...hmmm...starting my Pilates class....What else??? Oh...and here's my schedule for the next two weeks so you may not hear much from me after this!! Starting Friday, Dec. 5th...going to the Nutcracker with my MIL. Saturday, Dec. 6th, trying to get Christmas tree and decorations out and UP...a daunting task it seems. Sat. night...company Christmas party with Tony. Sunday...church and "tree" practice. Sunday night...collapse! Monday...work and "tree practice". Tuesday...work and "tree" pratice. Wed...work & a night off...whew!! Thursday...work and "tree" practice. Friday...work and then 2 (two!) "tree" performances. Sat. recover from previous week...only 1 "tree" performance. Sunday...church and 2 "tree" performances!!!!!!!!! OK...perhaps I shouldn't have recapped all this...I'm feeling overwhelmed again. Yikes!! Not to mention...while all of this is going on...I have to get ready for Christmas!!! Ack!!! LOL!!!

Anyway, life is good but very busy! It's a good kind of busy...I just need to stay on top of it all. One VERY IMPORTANT THING I keep forgetting to mention is this. Behind every busy woman is a man who is just as busy. At least this is true in MY household. I must give a shout out to my very wonderful and HELPFUL husband who keeps things running at home like a well-oiled machine while I am "flitting" about pulling my hair out making sure stuff gets taken care of. Honey...YOU DA BOMB!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!! I COULDN'T DO IT WITHOUT YOU!!!! (I wonder if he even reads this blog!?! LOL!)

Soooo....I hope this doesn't sound like I'm feeling sorry for myself because it is definitely not my intention. I am using this blog as an outlet to keep myself in "check" and to get input from those around me (and friends far away.) It has been very therapeutic for me! LOL! And fun, too!! I hope you are actually enjoying it and getting *something* from it even if it's just a laugh or a smile. :)

With that, I will leave you for now and hopefully I won't get *too* busy to drop you a line once in a while.

Love and Hugs!! Nan XOX

1 comment:

Enger Adventures said...

Nan, I will be praying for you, for a peaceful and quiet spirit and that you have time to enjoy the spirit of the season. With all that is on your schedule, I hope you have a wonderful December and Christmas!

Congrats too on the 20#!!!

Blessings to you :)