Tuesday, July 29, 2008

When It Rains, It Pours.

Well, our sunshine lasted all but a day. Wow! All day yesterday it poured and blew. Poor Jake. It was a miserable first day of soccer camp. I felt so guilty dropping him off. It wasn't cold...just VERY, VERY wet. Yuck! We had to turn the furnace on last night just to get his shoes and shin guards dry. I hope this isn't par for the course for this season. It's just as bad today and we probably won't make him go. I know I wouldn't want to be out there...why should I force HIM to endure it? No way. On a more positive note...our water tank is overflowing!! Woo Hoo!! With company coming next month, that is a good thing. Doesn't look like we'll have to conserve or buy water. You HAVE to find the silver lining, right? All I can say is I am REALLY re-thinking the whole "moving away from Ketchikan" idea. This weather is just GROSS and depressing!! I am already noticing the days getting shorter. It was already SO dark by 9pm last night. That's not normal for around here when the days are supposed to be LONG! Anywhooo...this is turning into a whiney post so I better come up with something else to talk about. Oh yeah...they keep talking about the gas prices going down. Yeah, right! Ours keeps going up. Last post it was $4.35. It's up to $4.41 as of this morning. Gag!!

OK...I'd better get to work. Nothing much else is happening that I can think of. It's Tuesday and we are already looking forward to the weekend. I think the forecast is for sunshine on Saturday but I'm not holding my breath!! :)

Hope you are all well and having an actual summer!!!! I know MOST of you are. :) Nanette

1 comment:

Enger Adventures said...

Sorry to hear the weather has been so dreary. Hopefully the sunshine will be out soon and that it cleared for Jake's soccer camp.